Resolve and commit to change with the help of Dogma Athletica

We’re almost through the first month of 2019, how are those New Year’s fitness resolutions holding up? A fitness resolution is rarely about fitness, it’s about something much deeper. At Dogma Athletica in Edwards, they want to help you define what’s motivating you to make a change and give you the tools to stick with it.

This Saturday Dogma is hosting Resolve, an event where you can hit the reset button. Dogma Athletica owner and personal trainer, Rod Connolly and yoga professional Amy Baker will lead you on a journey towards your future self and ideal image.

The event will go from 9-11 a.m. and will begin with Connolly leading a physically challenging movement practice designed to stimulate the heart and respiratory rate, and elicit positive thought. After that, Baker will lead the group in breath work and visualization that will dive you deeper into the truest aspects of yourself.

One of the mottos on the wall in their new studio (in addition to their original location in Riverwalk, Dogma recently added a new studio in the former California Closets space) states: “We exist so you can change”. But change can be hard, and that is where Dogma’s expertise kicks in.

“Everybody’s goals are about positive change but what happens is we start to brush up against the things that feel a little bit scary. We don’t want to feel incompetent for a short period of time, so we resort back to what we know,” Connolly said. “If you think about the process rather than the outcome, then you start to make these little incremental changes and the next thing you know, you’ve set up new patterns, new habits.”

In addition to the Resolve event, Dogma also invites those interested in finding the best versions of themselves to their Live It fitness classes which are held weekly. Live It Lean is a metabolic resistance class that helps people find their best weight and body composition. Live It Strong builds functional strength and Live It Loose works on mobility. To learn more about the Resolve session on Saturday or the Live It group fitness classes and how you can try a class for free, go to

via:: Vail Daily