RFTA service in Glenwood back on city council agenda Thursday

For nearly the fourth time in two weeks, the Glenwood Springs City Council will meet once again Thursday night. 

Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, council met just twice a month.

Now, and until further notice, city council will meet every Thursday at 6:15 p.m. to address matters largely related to COVID-19.

Earlier this week, council considered an emergency order that would have terminated RFTA service in Glenwood Springs altogether.

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Council, in a narrow 4-3 vote, favored allowing RFTA to continue servicing Glenwood Springs, but also agreed to revisit the issue at this Thursday’s meeting.

Some members of council who supported RFTA’s continued service wanted additional safety measures implemented.

“There has got to be a better way to run this system that still protects our citizens from viruses being brought up and down the valley,” Councilor Charlie Willman said at Tuesday’s meeting.

Whether or not city council will actually vote to suspend RFTA service in Glenwood Springs remains to be seen Thursday evening.

However, council will at least have the discussion and RFTA officials are expected to participate too.

Residents can access Thursday’s meeting online or by phone. Go to the city’s website here for instructions on how to call in.

“We will be reviewing service level alternatives from RFTA and determining if those are acceptable enough that we feel they are going to protect the health, safety and lives of Glenwood Springs residents,” Mayor Jonathan Godes said.


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via:: Post Independent