Rifle City Council Recap April 1, 2020

By the Numbers



Council voted to give staff direction to prepare an Intergovernmental Agreement authorizing payment for the Traveler of $25,000 per quarter, up to $100,000 for the fiscal year. The program provides accessible transportation for seniors and residents with an assessed inability to access any other transportation.

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By a 7-0 vote, the council approved the purchase of leftover materials from 2019 Water System Improvements from Johnson Construction.



With a 7-0 vote, council granted a change order in the amount of $163,737 for the Third Street and Railroad Avenue design and construction management.


The amount council allocated for grant funds for organizations engaged in helping kids deal with marijuana use impacts, payable to Rifle Community Foundation, which will evaluate proposals and make awards.



To approve as amended and ordered to be published by title: Rifle Municipal Code to prohibit the sale or possession of tobacco products or Nicotine products to minors — Ordinance No. 4. 


To approve as amended and ordered to be published by title: Rifle Municipal Code to prohibit unlawful use of a controlled substance — Ordinance No. 5.



By a vote of 4-3 the council approved an emergency order to suspend RFTA service effective April 3 through May 7 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mayor Barb Clifton and councilors Joe Carpenter, Joe Elliott and Ed Green voted for. “That’s precisley the reason that New York got into trouble as they continued to allow the subways to roll, and spread the virus, and now it’s catastophic. I suspect some of the creep of COVID-19 down from Pitkin relates to public transportation,” Ed Green said. Mayor Pro Tem Theresa Hamilton and councilors Brian Condie and Sean Strode voted against. “I think it’s mostly that’s up to each citizen to protect yourself, and I would hate to limit the service when RFTA and the county health department say they are doing all they can to do to address this issue,” Condie said.

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via:: Post Independent