Saturday letters

Garfield public libraries meet the needs of the 21st century patron

Congratulations Garfield County Voters! I was thrilled to see that Ballot Issue 6A in support of Garfield County Public Libraries passed. There was so much we missed as cutbacks were made due to lack of funds: reduced hours, reduced staff, reduced materials. There was so much to raise concern: aging technology and building maintenance.

The library is a place where you are not home, not at work but where you can be out in the world a bit. The library is the only place where everyone is welcome. The library demands nothing of you and all services offered are free. It is a portal and shared space of knowledge promoting lifelong learning. Not everything you need to know about or care about is on the internet. And it is a government entity — there for you. Thank you for allowing the Garfield Public Libraries to meet the needs of the 21st century patron.

Jocelyn Durrance
Librarian (retired)

Putting health care in politicians’ hands a recipe for disaster

I can’t believe someone as intelligent as Mr. Fricke would endorse “Medicare for all” (Nov. 7, Post Independent). Medicare for all means our government would be solely responsible for everyone’s health care.
Randy’s hero, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, revealed the price tag for her government takeover of all health care would be $32 trillion. The total wealth of all 2,200 plus billionaires on Earth is $9.1 trillion, according to Google. So if we took every last penny from every billionaire on Earth, we couldn’t even cover 1⁄3 of Warren’s pipe dream.

As for her flippant suggestion that the two million workers in the health insurance industry just sell something else, I say this is short-sighted idiocy! And let’s not forget the tens of millions of Americans who’d have to give up their insurance provided by their employers, so that illegal aliens can have free health care.

Putting our health care (20% of our economy) in the inept hands of the politicians in Washington is a recipe for disaster.

Lord, save us from the Democrats and the liars in the liberal media.

Bruno Kirchenwitz,

via:: Post Independent