Saturday letters: Endorsements for Marianne Virgili and Shane Larson

Virgili would bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and passion to CMC

As the Chair of the Glenwood Springs Chamber Association, I want to encourage you to vote in the upcoming election. Specifically, I am encouraging your support for Marianne Virgili!

Marianne Virgili is highly accomplished. I had the benefit of working side by side with Marianne during her final years as President of the Glenwood Springs Chamber of Commerce. Marianne is a dynamic leader and extremely passionate about the Glenwood Springs community. She is also a passionate supporter of, and advocate for, Colorado Mountain College. There is a tremendous amount of history between the Chamber and CMC. I cannot think of a more qualified and passionate individual to join the CMC Board. Marianne has inspired many people, including myself, and would bring a wealth of knowledge and experience and of course passion to CMC. Marianne believes strongly in education as evidenced by her Chamber career as well as a teacher at the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Organizational Management for 20 years, serving as National Chair in 2013.

For these reasons and many more, I believe Marianne Virgili would be the best addition to the Colorado Mountain College Board of Trustees.

Ian Exelbert,
Glenwood Springs

Value Larson’s solution based leadership style

I support Shane Larson for re-election to the RFSD Board of Education. Shane and I have worked together on the Board of Education for almost four years, with Shane holding the Vice Chair seat for the past two. As the Board Chair, I value Shane’s stewardship, his tenacity and his solution based leadership style. He has put in a great deal of time learning the role of a school board member; and, his knowledge of policy and process is remarkable. Shane’s continuity on the board would ensure a seamless transition as we welcome two new members onto the board this November.

Jen Rupert,

via:: Post Independent