Saturday letters: More info about virus cases, positive result of outbreak, and confused about ballot question

No reason not to inform us about location of coronavirus cases

To quote the county, “County health officials ask people to assume that the new coronavirus is spreading through the community, but the county will not release the town where persons have tested positive to protect the private health information of COVID-19 patients.”

How is refusing to disclose the towns that these cases are in protecting their identity? All the while we in Garfield County are simply left to “assume” it’s in our town? There is absolutely no reason not to inform us where these cases are located. Give us answers, Garfield County! Our community, our towns and our residents are worth more than your intimidating fear factor propaganda you present us with!

Karen Wagner,

One positive result of working from home during COVID-19 outbreak

I have been a work-from-home person for most of my professional life. I am lucky enough to do so, since I write software for a living. And, there are many, many full-time professionals with jobs that are similar to mine. These professionals spend a majority of their time in front of their computer(s) being productive. At home… or at the office.

On occasion, I have to go on-site. Usually in Denver. I am amazed at the traffic and the associated carbon footprint that occurs there, and in all large cities across our nation. It literally breaks my heart every time I am on the road experiencing it live, or read about traffic issues while in my home office.

Now, orders are to stay home. And what a difference on the environment! The daily carbon footprint has been reduced by a huge percentage. I see and read news stories saying how much better air quality has become throughout our nation and beyond.

My hope is that even after the COVID-19 fallout, corporations and business will realize the following: Having work-from-home professionals still produces results and reduces the carbon footprint. Isn’t that something everyone wants? I know I do. I am aware that not everyone can work from home, but for those who can, consider trying to advocate to your superiors for a new work style that supports carbon reduction. And for the supervisors, think along the same lines and consider a new work style for employees that fit a work-from-home mold. This could be a win-win-win for you, your business, and the environment!

Dave Heyliger,
Glenwood Springs

Confused about ballot question

I am confused about the ballot issue that arrived in the mail this week. Myself and community members I have spoken with are concerned about the lack of transparency on this issue, yet we are being asked to make an informed decision about the sale of the Maintenance and Operations Center (MOC).

I know the MOC is crumbling, departments moved out, and now the city wants to sell the building and site. Taxpayer dollars paid for the bonds to build the MOC and are now paying for the relocation of city departments. Will the proceeds from the sale be used to build a new MOC with more oversight on construction? If so, where?

The MOC was built on an alluvial plane which takes special construction and engineering, which was not taken into consideration upon the first build. I have not heard about similar construction concerns for the neighboring RFTA building. This makes me question the MOC’s construction oversight on the original project and if there was any responsibility by the construction firm that was paid with taxpayer dollars and bond money.

Mayor Jonathan Godes said that RFTA offered to purchase the land and building for $1.5 million. I am not sure if this is a fair price or not, but more transparency would be appreciated considering the cost of a new building, the ballot mailing and the other taxpayer dollars that have been spent on the MOC over the past years. Please use the Post Independent in addition to the virtual meetings to keep the community informed.

Jim Phillips
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent