Saturday Letters: Quarry and climate crisis

War chest against business

Statewide headlines have been made by the Glenwood mayor voicing opposition to the expansion of the limestone quarry north of town. In fact, the mayor proposes one million plus dollars to fight any expansion, and the very operation of the quarry, stating we (Glenwood Springs) are not a mining community and the quarry would have nothing but a negative impact on the area.

Truth is Glenwood Springs grew up as a mining town. Several old mines are located in all directions around the town. I’m sure everyone has seen the mine located on the way to Sunlight Ski area and the coke ovens next to the airport. There are countless examples of the rich mining history up and down the valley surrounding Glenwood.

OK, that is the past and this is the valley now and the mayor may tell all that he is looking toward the future. That being said, is it right to build a war chest to fight business the mayor and a select few with their own agenda deem is not in the interest of the area? If this effort proves successful who’s to say the “war chest” won’t be maintained to address other unacceptable businesses? A mayor, council, or city leader who is deeply entrenched in the climate change agenda may use these funds to drive out all local car dealers claiming the greenhouse gas emissions from the cars they sell is not in the best interest of the valley.

Part of what makes our country so unique and cherished is the ability for any of us to create and operate a business based on a multitude of factors with the chance of being successful. What gives city leaders the right to determine which businesses are acceptable and which are not?
As for this particular business I would tell all that mining, with the exception of the nuclear power industry, is the most heavily regulated industry in the country. I would submit regulations covering water discharge from the hot springs pool are non-existent when compared to those of the mine property.

If the mayor and others really want to accomplish something, they should consider working with the mining operations to mitigate their concerns as opposed to the all or nothing approach. If Glenwood Springs can replace the Colorado River bridge, then surely a method to deal with increases in truck traffic would be simple. What is the real priority, allowing business deemed acceptable by a select few to operate, or look for workable solutions giving all equal opportunity?

Randy Litwiller

Move away from fossil fuels is economic suicide

Barb Coddington says the sky is falling and we need to do some drastic stuff to save us from climate change (“We’re out of time for small, moderate steps in climate crisis,” Post Independent, Nov. 21).


But after we quit burning all coal and oil and gas, who’ll convince the rest of the world to follow us in committing economic suicide?

Bruno Kirchenwitz,

via:: Post Independent