Second COVID-19 patient dies in Garfield County

A Centers for Disease Control illustration of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

A man in his 80s with COVID-19 has died in Garfield County, according to a news release from Garfield County Public Health.

The day the death occurred is unclear — Garfield County Public Information Officer Renelle Lott refused to answer the question, citing patient privacy.

According to the news release, the man had underlying health conditions. He’s the second COVID-19. The first death related to COVID-19 in Garfield County was reported March 28.

Garfield County had 49 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of 4 p.m. Wednesday.

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The total number of positive cases is unlikely to represent how widespread COVID-19 is in Garfield County, as testing is being made available only for those who are critically ill in a high-risk group where diagnosis would benefit treatment.

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via:: Post Independent