See a sculptor capture animal realness at Horton Fine Art in Beaver Creek

As a Kenyan sunset bathed the savannah in golden light, photographers and painters on an artist’s safari were quickly framing their perfect images—gorgeous colors, compelling composition, African wildlife at home in its environment. Everything was ideal for capturing an indelible wildlife moment in photographs to take back to the studio to paint.

Then there was Daniel Glanz. Working at his own pace, unconcerned about the sunset’s ephemeral beauty, Glanz was busy photographing the back of an elephant’s ear. While his companions quickly shot new angles of the breathtaking scene, Glanz methodically moved on to aim his lens at the folds of the back of the elephant’s legs. For Glanz, the subjects of his artistic pursuits require much more than a two-dimensional view.

“A sculptor tends to look at things from top to bottom and all the way around,” Glanz said. “Observing from life is so important. It adds real perspective. It gives you the ability to determine whether something looks right. It needs balance, it needs to flow, it needs to be anatomically accurate”.

The award-winning artist’s expressive bronze animals convey a powerful sense of presence and individual personality.

Glanz will be visiting Horton Fine Art this week where a collection of the sculptor’s bronze domestic dogs will be on view as he works on his latest creation in clay. For an animal lover who once considered pursuing veterinary medicine, sculpture is the perfect excuse for spending quality time with animals of all kinds.

Glanz will be in residence at Horton Fine Art in Beaver Creek today from 2 to 7 p.m. and tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

via:: Vail Daily