See winter art at C. Anthony

The Colorado-based artist known as Britten will have a new collection of paintings for C. Anthony Gallery in Beaver Creek beginning on Friday.

“Magic of Winter” is her grand finale show for the year. Winter furthers her journey into a world yet-to-be-seen; her layered colors echo layers of snow blanketing latent growth.

“Underneath the layers of winter is the pure potential for anything to happen,” Britten says. “It is the resting period before new growth, the moment to set intentions or visualize the next part of our lives.”

To see the art, visit C. Anthony Gallery, down the hall from the Beaver Creek Ice Rink. Britten will be in the gallery Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 4 to 8 p.m.

For more information, visit or call 970-845-8645.

via:: Vail Daily