Strawberry Days Festival canceled for just the sixth time in 123 years

Park goers enjoy free strawberries and ice cream at the park after the 2019 Strawberry Days Parade. The 123rd annual Strawberry Days Festival was canceled for 2020.
Chelsea Self / Post Independent

For just the sixth time in its 123-year history, the Strawberry Days Festival is canceled this year.

The Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Association announced Friday in a news release that canceling the event was not an easy decision by any means. The event was slated for June 19-21.

“These are truly challenging and unprecedented times, and this decision was not made lightly,” Chamber President and CEO Angie Anderson said in the release. “We know how much this annual festival means to locals, visitors and vendors who attend; however, our priority is the health and safety of the community.”

Strawberry Days has been canceled five other times, all in the 1940s, the release states. According to the Frontier Historical Society, World War II caused the event to cancel from 1943-1946. The festival was also canceled in 1942 “due to a shortage of ice cream and cake and the inability to obtain good entertainment.”

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While Strawberry Days won’t happen this year, Anderson said there is the possibility of a different celebration later in the year.

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via:: Post Independent