Sunday letters: RMI CEO was wrong, Trader Joes anyone?

Dangler wrong about Glenwood’s opposition to mine expansion

Having grown up in a small town that was once a mining town and became one of the premiere tourist towns in the nation (Aspen), I have never seen a tourist town become a mining town, ever. Which is why the citizens of Glenwood Springs are concerned about Rocky Mountain Industrials (RMI) expanding mining operations into the heart of our city — a major tourist destination.

Therefore, I must respond to RMI’s CEO Gregory Dangler’s propaganda/editorial (published in the Aspen Daily News, Feb. 18). I was offended that Mr. Dangler would accuse me and the other members of Glenwood’s council of being controlled by Glenwood’s “wealthy elite,” whoever that is. Mr. Dangler can check my campaign donations and my personal finances at any time. I received no money from the pool(s), hotels, adventure park, or any other major businesses in Glenwood Springs. In my primary job I am a public servant and I have never profited a cent from over 30 years of public service in New York, Aspen or Glenwood Springs. To say otherwise is very offensive and certainly does nothing to further a potential compromise or mutually acceptable agreement regarding RMI’s mine.

But I expect, as a public official and public servant, to be attacked by special interests looking to profit from a large entity as it attempts to exploit our community. More importantly, Mr. Dangler is wrong on the facts and wrong on what the City of Glenwood Springs wants or needs. First, we have an approximate 2% unemployment rate here and we don’t need his 10, 50 or 100 new mining jobs if they result in the destruction of our quality of life. Second, the Hot springs pool, Sunlight Ski Area, the hotels, and our adventure park are the amenities that drive our economy, not a limestone mine. Without them our tax base would evaporate. It’s not about these businesses’ “power” that might influence council’s decision making, which again don’t control me, but the benefits, financial and aesthetical, that they bring to our community. These businesses are Glenwood and when RMI threatens our aquifer(s), the beauty of our area, and attempts to place hundreds of big trucks on our damaged and overtaxed roads, you don’t just threaten these amenities and businesses, you threaten the people of Glenwood Springs.

As the People’s representative I will never allow that and will continue to fight RMI until they inevitably give up their attempt to ruin our home. “When in Rome” Mr. Dangler, although if RMI went to Rome I imagine they would demolish the Coliseum, strip mine the Vatican and demand the Romans thank them for the jobs they might temporarily create. No grazie RMI.

Tony Hershey, Glenwood Springs city councilor
Glenwood Springs

Editor’s note: An exception was made for the length of this letter.

Want a Trader Joe’s in old Safeway building

Are you interested in having a new grocery store such as Trader Joe’s in the old Safeway building? After speaking to them, they said the more people in our area that contact them, the greater the chance they would put in a new store.

If you are interested in helping, please contact Trader Joe’s at 626-599-3817 or at

Joe Mollica,
Glenwood Springs.

via:: Post Independent