Talk CBD at Bookworm workshop in Edwards

CBD, or cannabidiol, has found its way to the forefront of mainstream media and scientific research in recent years. As a substance derived from the cannabis plant, it has been lauded for its benefits and applications in terms of treatments for anxiety, depression, inflammation and most recently, as a beauty product to give you that perfect, well rounded glow. But CBD has even more uses than that, specifically, in terms of athletic training.

On Tuesday night, Brittany Centifanto, general manager of Roots Rx, will lead a workshop at The Bookworm to talk about CBD for athletes. In partnership with the Athletic Club at the Westin, Centifanto will share ways that CBD can help you control pain, speed up recovery and prevent injury while training.

Centifanto, who began her research in CBD in the early 2000s, said that she was initially interested in the substance and its medicinal uses through the federal cannabis research lab in her home state of Mississippi. Since then, she has been working alongside the industry to dispel myths about CBD and educate users on its uses.

Many professional athletes are also working to encourage positive attitudes and legislation change towards CBD, such retired NFL defensive end Marvin Washington, who is part of the plaintiff group challenging the 1970 Controlled Substance Act that classifies cannabis as a schedule one drug.

Not just for recreation

This is due largely to the numerous uses for athletic training.

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“CBD is a well-rounded supplement and can be used to optimize any range of athletic issues,” Centifanto said. “Outside of the very popular focus of pain control, it is for better recovery from training, enhanced performance by regulating automatic functions, lower stress both physical and emotional and decreased inflammation levels.”

But why use CBD to treat acute or chronic pain over other, more conventional medicines? Simply put, it’s less dangerous. Drugs such as ibuprofen and naproxen can have dangerous long-term effects and opioids have a very high addiction risk.

“When you are in need of an extra boost to recover, you don’t want additional side effects,” said Centifanto. “CBD is a more powerful, less toxic and naturally occurring option for recovery, without side effects.”

There is increasing evidence to suggest that CBD could actually help you recover from injuries faster, in addition to helping you train stronger and longer.

“CBD’s role in maintaining homeostasis in the body helps shorten recovery time as well as lower pain causing inflammation and has also been known to help with bone strength and density,” Centifanto said.

These apparent benefits are widely applicable to the active, mountain lifestyle. “Our stores see customers with all sorts of sports related injuries that are helped by CBD,” Centifanto said.

This approach to healing is also central to the Roots Rx mission.

“Our goal has always been to be a community conscious, product aware, mountain lifestyle brand,” Centifanto said. “We value a holistic, wellness-driven approach to the recreational use of cannabis.”


What: CBD for Athletic Training with Roots Rx and the Athletic Club at the Westin.

When: Tuesday, 6 p.m.

Where: The Bookworm of Edwards.

Cost: $10, includes appetizers.

More information: Call 970-926-7323,

via:: Vail Daily