Thursday letters: Popular Vote, Diane Mitsch Bush, Boyscout Trail, structural change, teachers

National Popular Vote would force candidates to campaign across the country

The President of the United States represents the entire country. You wouldn’t know that from the campaigning by both of the major candidates though.

Donald Trump and Joe Biden seem to only care about six states. The rest of us, including Colorado, might as well be part of a different country. This is because only “swing states” matter under our current electoral college system. We won’t see either candidate campaigning in big states like Texas or small states like Connecticut or Colorado.

This completely warps how the candidates see our country and how the winning one governs. If the candidate has to focus on Florida, Pennsylvania, and Michigan to win the Presidency, that leaves Coloradans out in the cold.

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The National Popular Vote would change that. If adopted by enough states, it would force candidates to campaign across the country. Instead of just six swing states, we would see an entire country up for grabs. I want the Presidential candidates to care about Colorado. I’m voting “Yes” on the National Popular Vote.

Stu Zeiger,

We cannot do better than Diane Mitsch Bush

I know that elections have taken a back seat in our minds with this horrible virus attacking so many (I have four nurses in my family). But, if we want to go forward after this pandemic is over, we need a strong, intelligent fighter and a true representative of western Colorado in the U.S. House of Representatives. We cannot do better than Diane Mitsch Bush.

She was elected a State Representative for three terms where she worked across the aisle to extend the post recession recovery and prosperity to rural areas. She fought for family agriculture, transportation, sustainable water infrastructure, renewable energy, small rural communities, public health, and the natural resources that sustain us all.

Diane has done far more for Western Colorado as a State Representative than Scott Tipton has done as U.S. Representative. She is not wealthy, as Rep. Tipton is. She is not beholden to large corporations. Her intelligence, drive and knowledge will help all of us in Colorado and the whole country in the hard days of recovery.

Please vote for Diane Mitsch Bush when you get your ballot for the June 30 primary.

Katherine Delanoy

Local volunteers needed to clean up Boyscout Trail

Just a few days ago, I hiked up the steep and informal section of the Boyscout Trail, just a few 100 yards up from downtown.

Was pleased to discover that most if not all of the illegal campers were gone. The bad news is that a enormous mess of abandoned, camping gear, food remnants and various bottles were left behind.

Since the city of Glenwood had to let all of their temps go, I learned that the city will provide logistic support to volunteers to clean this mess up.
I think one day or half day of hard work will do it. The city would provide trucks to move the junk to the landfill.

Please let me know if any of you local friends are willing to pitch in.

Gerard VanderBeek
Glenwood Springs

Time to figure out which candidates will create structural change

Regarding the Post Independent story on the Glenwood march against police violence and racism, I wish I could agree with Todd Chamberlain that generational change will lead to the end of racism. I am 71 years old and we were protesting racism in the streets in the 1960s. I cannot believe how little has changed. Generational change won’t be enough. Structural change is necessary. This is a year where we have an opportunity to make structural change. It is appalling how many registered voters did not actually go to the polls 4 years ago. This is the time to figure out which candidates will create that structural change, to vote, and to really make America a place that we can be proud to live.

Sue Edelstein

Keep teachers in mind when voting in the primary election

A recent House Bill, 20-1379, sponsored by Senator Bob Rankin (R- Carbondale) and Senator Kim Ransom, was referred unamended to the House Committee, proposing a $225 million cut to the states distribution to the Public Education Retirement Association for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. While I understand state budget decisions need to be made, I feel that this budget cut should not be made on the backs of our public employees and educators. Please keep these representatives’ lack of consideration for our state’s public teachers in mind when voting in the primary election.

Jim Phillips
Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent