Tuesday letters: coronavirus, Sanders, AmeriCorps Week

Americans need answers on coronavirus

Americans need answers from our government and the medical industrial complex about the coronavirus. If you watch the major television networks, all of the interviews with VP Pence, CDC officials, and media health experts, few if any are giving the American public any solid answers about what they are doing to solve this health crisis. I have no confidence in having Trump or Pence handle this situation. Despite their denials,Trump and Pence have muzzled government health officials to keep Americans in the dark and to protect their re-election.

America has all of these prestigious university health research clinics and prestigious research institutes. The World Health Organization (WHO) can be added to this list. I find it difficult to believe that none of these big money research institutes cannot come up with at least a temporary drug or pill that can at least tone down the intensity of this virus. Where is all of our biotech tech industry? Maybe we don’t have one. The evidence is that 80% of our drugs come from China. Why? So Big Pharma can make more money.

We have to ask these questions. Is Big Pharma controlling this whole scenario so they can capitalize on billions in profits on a new anti-coronavirus drug? Are the FDA and CDC being influenced by Big Pharma to maximize their profit margin on this virus? Will the Wealthy 1% be the only Americans that afford the cure for the coronavirus?

The $8.3 billion in medical aid passed by Congress in the last few days needed to have Medicare-for-All as an emergency plan in it so the elderly and the poor can obtain the healing drugs to fight the coronavirus. It is time to forget politics and get something done immediately.

Let’s get some answers.

Randy Fricke

New Castle

Sanders is a socialist communist

Recently Mr. Hal Sundin wrote a column trying to explain the difference between communism and socialism when attempting to rebut a letter to the editor. In the column he stated that “the author demonstrated a lack of knowledge when he wrote “(communist-socialist, what’s the difference?)”.

Obviously, Mr. Sundin demonstrated his lack of research and knowledge when he wrote his column. All he was trying to do was to shed a positive light on Bernie Sanders who claims to be a Socialist Democrat and is truly a Socialist Marxist, in other words a socialist communist.

Fact: During Sanders’ entire adult life he has been an apologist for communism. I believe there are over 100 million that are dead because of communism.

Fact: Sanders said he was so “excited” about the communist revolution in Cuba, and watching JFK get tough on Cuba wanted to make him puke. The Democratic voters of Colorado should be very proud.

Fact: In 1980 when the Iranians took Americans hostage, Sanders joined a Trotskyist Party that defended the action of the terrorist Iranians.

Fact: Sanders honeymooned in the Soviet Union and came back full of praise for it. The Sanders minions may not grasp how bizarre this was during the Cold War, but, at the time, it was almost unheard of to do such a thing.

I would like a reporter to ask Sanders about his memories of the 1980 “Miracle on Ice.” I am sure that made him want to puke also.

Fact: Sanders supporters try to make Sanders out to be an American version of Nordic-style Socialist Democrats. False. The Nordics enjoy somewhat free-market economies. On the other hand Sanders openly calls for nationalizing major industries such as higher education, health care and the Internet. This more closely resembles the central planning committees in Cuba and Venezuela.

There was a Socialist party that was formed in 1919. Their leader’s name was Adolf Hitler. The difference between Hitler and Sanders is the people that would be exterminated would be those that disagree with Sanders.

The Democrats of Colorado should be proud.

Robert W. Wilson


United Way celebrates AmeriCorps Week March 8-14

This week United Way Battlement to the Bells joins thousands of Americans across the country to celebrate the valuable contributions of the AmeriCorps members who pledge to “get things done” for our nation as part of the annual AmeriCorps Week.

We asked a few of our partnering nonprofits what their feedback was from having a VISTA volunteer with their organization. Here is what they had to say: “The VISTAs come with a real skill set that can make a difference.” “The VISTAs’ ability to increase our capacity went beyond our wildest dreams.” “Working with a VISTA exceeded my expectations.”

The weeklong AmeriCorps Week celebration also honors the contributions and support of thousands of local organizations that make AmeriCorps programs possible. In the Roaring Fork Valley there are currently six AmeriCorps members serving. The nonprofits include CASA of the Ninth, Family Visitor Programs, Habitat for Humanity, GarCo Design Works, West Mountain Regional Health Alliance and Alpine Legal Services.

A growing body of research shows that service has an effect on more than just the communities served, but also on the members themselves. AmeriCorps alumni credit their year of service for developing leadership skills that bridges divides, solves problems and opens doors to opportunities that advance their careers and education.

In addition, research shows that alumni gain skills and are exposed to experiences that communities and employers find valuable. Public, private and nonprofit sector employers have also demonstrated their commitment to hiring AmeriCorps alumni, signing on to be an Employer of National Service.

Those interested in joining AmeriCorps can learn more at AmeriCorps.gov/join and search UWBB under programs.

Megan Beirne

Glenwood Springs

via:: Post Independent