Tuesday letters: rescue package, isolation, kudos to City Market

Corporate America does not need financial help

The American people are being cheated by the Senate Republicans in the financial rescue package. It heavily favors corporate America and little protection for American people. Corporate America does not need financial help. They have plenty of financial assets and offshore bank accounts. Plus, the Federal Reserve is still sitting on their $4 trillion in profits from the 2008 Recession Quantitative Easing program. So, if corporate America really needs help, they could go to the Fed for a loan.

The American people need the entire $1 trillion or more from the federal government. This money will go back into the economy. The corporate bailouts will not go to workers, but it will be used for stock buybacks and into their offshore bank accounts. Wall Street has plenty of money. They should never get a bailout after all of the profits they scammed off the American people since 2008 Recession.

Randy Fricke

New Castle

Making the most out of the current situation

It has been tough to isolate. With the prospect of even another week or two of separation ahead, we feel uneasy. We need one another. We are meant to be in relationships with others. When the opportunity to be together is suddenly taken away, we struggle. When we add fear to this isolation, a dark cloud seems to settle over our heads and hearts.

On a very bright side, we have been given an amazing opportunity. Up until very recently, a common stressor for parents was busy schedules and lack of family time resulting in unsatisfactory family relationships. Now, we have been given a rare gift; uninterrupted time at home.

Another gift is having a common challenge to face. Without panic, solving challenges of food and household needs as a family can be a great opportunity to bond together. Taking healthy precautions can be a way of developing common habits. 

A crucial gift that we must share with all is the gift of hope. Without hope, everything is a burden, but with hope, we can endure much. 

Right now, today, I am taking great hope that we have a heavenly Father that loves us. Nothing that is happening is a surprise to him. He already sees the outcome of this momentary trial. If he already knows the future and we know he loves us, it is wise to seek him and follow his leading. 

Connecting virtually with others who share this hope is vital. Most local congregations have some sort of online worship; gather your family and be part of this virtual community.

As I said at the start of this note, it is tough to isolate. When we isolate from God, we cut ourselves off from the ultimate source of hope. We were meant to be in relationship with the living God, and it sometimes takes difficult experiences to realize that we are not as much in control as we thought and we need Someone who is above our current situation.

This season is a gift, please use it well. Strengthen your hope, strengthen your heart, strengthen your family.

Pete Schaffner

executive director, Youth for Christ

Hats off to New Castle City Market

 This is for the management and associates who work at Castle Valley Boulevard City Market. 

We cannot find the words to express our gratitude for the way you all have stepped up and faced this crisis head on. 

On Friday, March 13, you all watched hoards of people come into your store and for the most part, empty all the shelves. 

I went into City Market on Saturday the 14th to pick up just a few things. I was totally shocked. The store was almost barren, and the associates looked like they had a bad hangover. They were completely worn out, and yet they still were so professional and kept smiles on their faces. 

I hope that Kroger appreciates you as much as we do. So again, I say thank you, New Castle City Market. It is comforting to know that you guys are there in times of crisis and you have our backs. 

To those people who are hoarding food and paper products and not leaving anything for the next guy, you should be ashamed of yourselves. We will never know for sure, but my guess is if you would have just continued with your normal buying habits, things may have stayed somewhat normal. 

Henry Hendrickson

New Castle

via:: Post Independent