Vail Symposium to address time management, cave exploration

It’s a new year and the Vail Symposium has two programs that will help you address a resolution and spark your adventurous spirit this week.

Tomorrow, Stephanie Wachman will share how to increase productivity and decrease stress through time management, and on Thursday, Bill Steele will share his adventures as a speleologist, exploring the caves of the world.

“We’re thrilled to present two programs this week,” said Kris Sabel, executive director of the Vail Symposium. “Our time management program, presented in partnership with Vail Valley Partnership, promises to help improve our work lives and our Unlimited Adventure program is sure to inform and inspire audiences. It’s going to be a fantastic week.”

Tomorrow, Wachman will present “Increased Productivity and Decreased Stress: Achieve Better Life Balance Through Time Management.” Squeezing more hours out of your day is not always possible. Are meetings and email weighing you down? Are you perpetually procrastinating or finding yourself sucked down the hole of the internet? If your workload is growing and you constantly feel overwhelmed and stressed, then this is the program you need to attend. Stephanie Wachman will address how to manage your time and energy to lower your stress, increase your productivity, improve work performance and find more balance in your life.

And on Thursday, Steele will take audiences underground, into the vast underground reaches of cave systems snaking underground throughout the world. Steele has been participating in and leading expeditions in Sistema Huautla, the deepest known cave in the Western Hemisphere, since the mid-1970s, with a total of 23 expeditions to that cave. He organizes and leads annual expeditions in April, the driest month of the year in that part of Mexico, with as many as 40 participants from six countries. “Caveman” will speak about the 2018 expedition to Sistema Huautla which included significant discoveries and a surprise flood which trapped a team in a deep underground camp for a week. He will also discuss what it takes to organize an international expedition in modern times including: team selection, setting objectives, seeking support, dealing with emergencies as they arise and local public relations, which may include sensitivity regarding indigenous spiritual beliefs.

About the speakers

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Wachman is a Certified Executive Coach, author, public speaker and trainer. With more than 25 years of experience in marketing, product management, sales and national sales management, Stephanie’s business and sales skills were honed at both small companies and Fortune 500 companies. She is the author of “Own Your Time: Professional Time Management Strategies for a Profitable and Balanced Life” and the soon to be released “Own Your Sale: Techniques on How to Sell Without Being ‘Sales.'” Stephanie works with all levels of organizations in areas of time management, business development, leadership, conflict management and culture.

Steele is a speleologist who has led and participated in expeditions to many of the longest and deepest caves in the United States, Mexico, Belize and China. In addition to Sistema Huautla in Mexico, Bill participates annually in the long-term exploration of Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, the longest cave in the world at 413 miles long and counting. Steele has written two books: “Yochib: The River Cave” and “Huautla: Thirty Years in One of the World’s Deepest Caves.”


What: Increased Productivity and Decreased Stress: Achieve Better Life Balance Through Time Management with Stephanie Wachman.

When: Tomorrow. Doors open at 8 a.m., program from 8:30 to 10 a.m.

Where: Colorado Mountain College

What: In Deep: Bill Steele’s Journey to the Hidden World Beneath Our Feet

When: Tomorrow. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., program from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Where: Donovan Pavilion

More information: Tickets are $25 prior to midnight on the day before the program, and will become $35 after midnight and at the door. Visit for more information and to purchase tickets.

via:: Vail Daily