Valley View Hospital, Grand River Health update COVID-19 numbers

A Centers for Disease Control illustration of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

As of May 19, Valley View Hospital had collected a total of 1,235 specimens, 48 of which were positive for COVID-19. 

Since the outbreak began, Valley View Hospital has admitted 16  patients with COVID-19 and discharged 13.

Valley View Hospital is utilizing both a nasopharyngeal swab and saliva-based PCR testing and is able to get results back within approximately 24 to 48 hours.

The results of 40 specimens collected through Valley View Hospital were still pending as of Tuesday.

Grand River Health had also tested 708 individuals as of Tuesday, of which 22 tested positive for COVID-19.

Grand River Health has admitted 2 patients with COVID-19 since the outbreak began, however, both of those patients have since been transferred.

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via:: Post Independent