Vicco’s Charcoalburger Drive-In to offer free hamburgers to first responders, healthcare providers Tuesday

A customer orders from the drive-thru at Charcoal Burger in west Glenwood earlier this year.
Chelsea Self / Post Independent

Vicco’s Charcoalburger Drive-In will provide a free hamburger Tuesday to any first responder or healthcare provider.

Between noon and 7 p.m. Tuesday, police officers, firefighters, EMTs, doctors and nurses can pick up their free hamburger from the 67-year-old eatery along U.S. Highway 6 in Glenwood Springs.

“The way I was brought up is to help the community and do things for the community in which you live,” said Bart Victor, Vicco’s Charcoal Burger Drive-In owner.

Victor has lived in Glenwood Springs for 43 years.

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The local business owner said he simply wanted to say thank you to those community members serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 crisis.

“Roll into the oldest drive-in in town and have a great burger,” Victor said. “I just feel like we owe it to these people.”

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via:: Post Independent