WATCH: Protestors gather peacefully in Vail Village to demonstrate for George Floyd

As shock and outrage over George Floyd’s killing swept the nation over the weekend, even the luxurious streets of Vail Village were not insulated from pressure boiling over in the form of demonstrations.

A peaceful protest attracted about 50 people to Bridge Street on Sunday, with people in attendance holding signs that ranged from the familiar slogans of “Black lives matter” and “No justice no peace” to more specific messages like “White people … do something” and “I trust my local law enforcement. Everyone should have this right in America.”

Organizer Zach Varon said after he engaged in a solo protest on Saturday, he was encouraged to do something more organized on Sunday.

“It was really positive,” he said of his experience standing in front of Vail’s Covered Bridge on Saturday, holding a sign that said “stop killing and subjugating us.”

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Varon said he didn’t know what to expect heading into Sunday. He said he was surprised to see such a large turnout.

“I never in my mind imagined we could have this kind of support,” he said.

Varon said the demonstration was about more than George Floyd.

“This isn’t about any one person, this is an ongoing thing,” Varon said on Sunday.

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via:: Vail Daily