Wednesday letters: independent voters

Open all primary elections to independent and unaffiliated voters

The national independent voter movement is largely about democratic election reform. This election reform is essentially about steering America into a real democracy. The two major political parties, the Democrats and Republicans, are responsible for stealing any form of democracy that America had before. When 26 million American voters were blocked from voting in the presidential primary elections in the 2016. Most of these voters were independent/unaffiliated voters. This is not a democracy. The 2018 elections saw the same thing happening in the primaries.

In the 2019 Colorado Legislature, the Democrats passed election laws that increased the number of petition signatures required for independent/unaffiliated voters to get on the ballot. This is not a democracy. So, this is the type of corruption that the Western Colorado Independent Voters are trying to change. This is just one example of election reform that is being fought around the country by organized independent/unaffiliated voters.

The Republican Party is canceling many of its presidential primaries around the country to protect Trump’s re-election bid. This is not a democracy. The national independent voter movement is trying to challenge the election corruption of the two major parties. The national independent voter movement has grown nationally to lobby for democratic election reforms so every voter can vote in any election. Obviously, the main goal is to open all of the closed and semi-closed primary elections to independent/unaffiliated voters.

Cathy Stewart, vice president, Independent Voting, New York City, will visit Western Colorado Independent Voters on Wednesday, Dec. 4. Stewart will give a briefing on the latest development and status of the independent voter movement at the national level. This meeting will be held at 3 p.m. at the Glenwood Springs Library at the upstairs meeting room. All independent/unaffiliated voters are encouraged to attend this special meeting.

Randy Fricke

Western Colorado Independent Voters

New Castle

via:: Post Independent