Wednesday letters: Police ethics, Trump’s power, and Hanlon for public lands

To the Law Enforcement Officers of our valley and everywhere

The ethics of a police officer does not come from a classroom or a training drill. It comes from your heart, how you were raised, and from the empathy that you have for another human being. Check yourself. God bless.

Donna Kuipers

Trump will do whatever is necessary to keep himself in power

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Is the present Congress exercising the will of the people? The House has passed at least 350 bills, most of which are popular and bipartisan, that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has refused to take up for passage. Why? He has been focusing instead on judicial confirmations, so that now 1 in 5 federal judges are Trump appointees. Two more were confirmed in the last few days. With McConnell’s help, Donald Trump is positioning himself to rewrite federal law to favor the rich and powerful. He will do whatever is necessary to keep himself in power.

Notify your Senators if this is not your will. We have the power of our voices and our votes.

Annette Roberts-Gray

Hanlon will fight to protect the public lands that are vital to our way of life

Vote Karl Hanlon for Senate District 8. I have known and worked with Karl and his wife Sheryl the last 5 years in running a nonprofit ranch that provides therapy to kids with autism and veterans with PTSD. As an attorney, Karl is a protector of our public lands, and has a way of getting things done with leaders ranging from city council members to U.S. senators. I fought in Vietnam to protect our country and the land we love. The Trump administration has been a disaster for lands throughout the West. Karl Hanlon will stand up to Trump and fight to protect the public lands that are vital to our way of life.

LtCol Dick Merritt, US Marine Corps (Ret)

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