Wednesday letters: Saving lives, high-risk age group, and pedistrians on trails

We have the opportunity to prevent deaths

Opinions are a dime a dozen. Let’s talk numbers. If it means that 60,000 people in the Roaring Fork Valley stay home, social distance, wear a mask and save one life, then that’s what I will do. Yes, hundreds of thousands die every year, and we cannot stop that number. Today we have the opportunity to prevent deaths, we can prevent the number from going into the thousands nationally, according to the doctors and scientists. That is my two cents about numbers. I’m counting on saving that one.

Rachael Windh,
Glenwood Springs

Only high-risk age group should be quarantined

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I understand Ms. Toussaint’s opinion about the quarantine in the Post Independent on April 24, since I am in that high-risk age group with a compromised immune system to boot. However, I don’t believe everyone should be in home quarantine.

For over 80% of our population, the coronavirus poses no more risk than our seasonal flu. The vast majority of deaths associated with the virus are the elderly with compromised immune systems or pre-existing conditions.
I say the high risk group are the only ones who need to home shelter or be very careful. We have never quarantined healthy people in the history of our country! Until we develope a vaccine, the high risk group will never be safe.

But our economy can’t survive in shutdown mode for 12 to 18 months waiting for a cure.

The healthy people need to go back to work, while practicing best hygiene habits. The high risk group has been told how to avoid the virus.

Instead of politicizing the virus by saying you won’t die for Wall Street, Nicolette, maybe we should have targeted the right group for quarantine to begin with.

Bruno Kirchenwitz,

Be courteous to pedestrians on trails

In Ms. Laura Jackson’s letter to the Post Independent on April 23 regarding safe travel on trails and roads, she suggests that we follow the “safety and etiquette rules for each area that differ greatly.” I totally understand why pedestrians (walkers and runners) should follow state law and travel on the left side facing traffic on roads without sidewalks. It is common sense.

What I do not understand is why Ms. Jackson and the Roaring Fork Transportation Authority (RFTA), the regulating agency, want pedestrians to travel on the right side on the old railroad trails. These trails are for bikers and pedestrians and not just for bikers. I do not have eyes in the back of my head and I can not see bikers coming up behind me if I am walking on the right side. But I can see them if I am walking on the left side. As a pedestrian on the left side, I can step off the trail if needed when a bike approaches.

I know that I have been scared witless on many occasions when I have walked on the right side and have been passed by bikers who say nothing and often have no bell (a large percent do not have bells) or say “on your left” when they are about two feet in back of you.

It just makes sense to be able to see the bikers coming at you. To walk or run facing bikes coming at you. Anyway the back country is starting to open and I can stay off the RFTA regulated pedestrian and bike trails until next winter.

Finally if you see an old geezer like me on a back country trail say above Lake Christine who asks that you stop for a couple of seconds so I can scramble 6 to 10 feet off the trail, be nice. Please be courteous.

Edward Tiernan.

via:: Post Independent