YouthZone speaker to address drug culture, concealment trends

Jermaine Galloway

YouthZone welcomes nationally recognized speaker and longtime law enforcement officer Jermaine Galloway for two hands-on workshops next week to share his research around drug trends and the drug culture in local communities.

As Galloway says, “You can’t stop what you don’t know,” according to a press release from YouthZone announcing the events Nov. 7 in Aspen and Nov. 8 at Coal Ridge High School near Silt.

Galloway uses the workshops to reveal how youth are “high in plain sight, and adults are often in the dark.”

“We are happy we are able to bring Office Galloway back to our communities to keep our local agencies, hospitals, school district employees, parents and nonprofits aware of changing substance use trends in our youth,” Lori Mueller, executive director of YouthZone, said in the release.

The free workshops are intended for educators, prevention providers, coalition members, school administrators, counselors, law enforcement, probation officers, parents, hospital personnel and any interested community member.

Only adults may attend.

Galloway is set to share a variety of current concealment trends, including drug clothing, alcoholic energy drinks, “alco-pops,” alcohol and drug concealment containers, drug paraphernalia, drug-related music and groups, logos, stickers, new technology, youth party tendencies, party games, non-traditional alcoholic beverages, social networking sites, synthetic drugs, OTC drugs, inhalants, concentrates, E-cigarettes and popular party drugs.

“You’ll also learn about common stash compartments in clothing,” according to the release. “Attendees will leave the sessions empowered with the knowledge that we can protect our youth.”

Galloway brings more than 20 years of law enforcement, prevention and education experience in both rural and urban communities. He tailors his talk to the communities he visits.

“I’ve seen the ever-evolving drug culture trends sweep across our country,” Galloway said in the release. “For many people, it’s hard to keep up with these trends, and especially to understand what they all mean. Unless you understand the culture, you won’t see it at all.”

via:: Post Independent