DCC: Making the Team Ep. 4 Recap: First Impressions + Crazy Choreography

Welcome to Training Camp, y’all!

This year, director Kelli Finglass reveals that there are 18 rookies and 27 vets vying for the title of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader this season. And like Finglass told the girls honestly: not everyone in that room will make the team.

Take a deep breath, it’s gonna be okay.

So everyone piles into the theatre for their first pep talk and to take time to introduce themselves. Fun fact: we didn’t know that Amanda was a makeup model on that show Face/Off.

Next, they were all sent home to take the CORE personality profile exam. The reason? Finglass says to determine different styles of leadership and learning. It will be considered by the judges so they can best determine how leaders can get the most out of their teams.

Totally genius. Victoria realized she has matured significantly since last training camp, but we didn’t need a personality test to see that for ourselves.

Judy and Kelli get the ball rolling by revisiting the scores immediately going into camp. Starting below the top 36 isn’t the worst thing in the world, but it ain’t the way you wanna start training camp. But still a comeback is always possible, and we all love a comeback story.

Tonight, we met Lisa from Irving, Texas, a tough and persevering dancer who sailed through college and earned a degree in Biomedical Engineering AND danced all four years and then went on to dance for the Dallas Mavericks. She’s ready to give it her all, and after getting a note for more power, she was at the gym first thing the next morning to work on her endurance and stamina. You can’t keep this girl down!

Jennifer Colvin, a former DCC and now an inspirational choreographer popped in to teach the girls their second routine, and not surprising, it rattled a few hopefuls.

And that’s okay because the great thing about Colvin is that she knows how to connect with the dancers on a personal level and put them at ease.

After two rounds of a new dance and an old one, everyone was pretty much spent. But it’s not over yet… tonight marks the first night of calls to the office.

If you’ve never watched DCC: Making the Team before, we’ll catch you up: once training camp begins, dancers who need notes will often be called to Kelli’s office for a pep talk with Judy present, too. Sometimes it’s a note of positivity, sometimes encouragement, and sometimes it’s tough love.

Unfortunately, sometimes it’s also a cut, where a hopeful’s journey to DCC comes to an end.

Gina Marie and Meredith were called into the office tonight. We, too, were holding our breath as Kelli and Judy dished out notes.

For Gina Marie, work on choreography is needed. It’s a lot to remember and very overwhelming. Gina Marie promised she would work on her concentration and focus and Kelli just adores her, so we’re all hoping for the best.

For Meredith, also one of Kelli’s favorites, it’s more of a style issue. Meredith reveals she doesn’t have much experience with hip-hop and power pom, but she has the technique and the drive, and both Kelli and Judy know she’ll work even harder in the coming days.

So tonight everyone is safe… but will we be able to say the same next week? Tune in to find out when a brand-new episode of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team airs Friday, Aug. 30 at 9 PM ET/8 CT on CMT.

Samantha is a country radio insider with a deep love for the music and its stars. She can often be found on a red carpet or at a late-night guitar pull.

via:: CMT News