DCC: Making the Team Season 14, Ep. 10 Recap: Rookie Mistakes, Media Training, and Big Surprises

So, did the boots fit a little better this week on Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team?

Maybe on the field, but Media Training came in hot for these girls today, and it was brutal. Seriously brutal.

Listen, we know it can’t be easy to be put in front of a camera, in front of top news anchor Meredith Land from NBC News, and on the spot to provide answers for difficult topical and sometimes political questions.

But that is what being a role model and a brand representative is all about.

Victoria carried herself incredibly well through the challenge, further illustrating just how “in it to win it” she really is this season. Kat talked a little too much and a little too erratically and Meredith let the pressure get the best of her.

Both Meredith and Kelli took time with the rookies after training to give feedback and notes, and it seems Kelli’s judgment with some of the candidates may have shifted directions.

There are only three cuts left, folks.

Rehearsal also kicks off with a bang, as Judy wastes no time getting the girls on the field to assemble the famous triangle, which is the positioning for the opening routine.

So, you know this means we’re about to learn the identity of the brand-new famous point of that triangle!

And the leader is—Amy! You go, girl! (Ps. How ADORABLY SWEET was the phone call from past point KaShara?!)

Right on the 49 is Maddie and then Lexie. Gina and Bridget also moved up this year.

But wait… surprise. There will be two triangles and two points, with the second being Maddie.

So many exciting new changes are happening!

Meredith and Lily had a little trouble on the field they weren’t the only ones. Although Judy and Kelli saw some improvements, they still have some tough decisions to make.

Back in the office, Kat gets called in for a few notes. Her dance face is a little too stiff and her media training needs serious improvement. But she is still safe. This might be her last chance to safe though.

Lisa was next to be called in, her first time this season! Kelli and Judy recognized that she was also a little stiff and rigid in her dancing last night on the field. Poor Lisa let her nerves get the best of her. Of course, Kelli and Judy believe her efforts and feel she just needs to calm down and “stop trying to be perfect.” Yes, honey, enjoy it! Lisa is safe this week.

But all is not safe—Kelli shares the news with the girls that Julia was involved in a car accident on the way to rehearsals. She is on the way to the hospital and will hopefully be okay. Oh gosh, we are praying for a good update…

The girls get back out on the field for round two tonight are paid a surprise visit by the one and only Melissa Rycroft!

Melissa joins Judy and Kelli in the box to watch the girls from a distance, and they catch a few surprises themselves. Many of the hopefuls are thriving on the field, and some are unexpectedly not this evening. Kat and Shaina struggle among others, and even Lily with her “faces.”

The sideline routines bring a little more energy and a great performance from Kristin.

Kelcie and Amanda receive big props. Theirs is a group excites Judy and Kelli. And that’s a good sign.

Then it’s time for a round table. And it’s a tough one because Julia’s media training blunder came up. Remember the part where she talked about using the team to better her resume for broadcast? Yeah, that wasn’t a good look, girl. But hope is not lost.

Meanwhile, Melissa still has another surprise left up her sleeve: her personal pick for the top 36… you’ll just have to watch.

Yes, cuts need to be made, but Judy and Kelli are struggling because they don’t feel like they have enough information to make the right call yet. So, they don’t make a call at all. That’s right: no cuts will be made tonight.

Sometimes, things just take a little more time, don’t they?

An all-new Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team airs next Friday, Oct. 11 at 9 PM ET/8 CT on CMT.

Samantha is a country radio insider with a deep love for the music and its stars. She can often be found on a red carpet or at a late-night guitar pull.

via:: CMT News