DCC: Making the Team Season 14, Ep. 8 Recap: Tyce Tyce, Baby + Tears of a Coach

Week five of training camp has begun on Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team! Can you believe it?!

We now have 40 in camp with four cuts to go, and five weeks until the first game.

All of them have a chance to make the team at this point, according to Kelli. And it’s tougher because they’re more familiar with and emotionally attached to the girls.

The first guest choreographer tonight is Evan Miller! The L.A. powerhouse is in town to bring the girls some joy in the form of his signature hip-hop, funk, and soul. Positive push, y’all. “I want my choreography to show that ladies can be powerful,” he said.

His piece for the ladies tonight is challenging—fast, powerful and precise. Did they sink or did they soar? Lisa and Victoria caught our attention. Kristin struggled a bit, as did Meredith. Lily soared this week! Way to redirect that focus, girl.

During the ladies’ choice round, Amanda and Kat fumbled a bit. And Meredith finally got props, which she deserved!

Something is going on with veteran Christina. According to Kelli and Judy, she could be stronger, which she usually is much stronger. Something seems off. We’re hoping everything is okay.

Chandi didn’t make Evan’s top 36 and it really made Kelli sad, because the head coach loves her and sees the potential. So do we. Chandi shines!

The question of the triangle point, rises again, naturally. Evan’s picks? Gina, Maddie, and/or Amy. Honestly, you couldn’t go wrong with those three. But remember that KaShara also threw in Caroline last week, so things could get interesting.

Office calls come quickly tonight and first up are Kat and Christina. Fortunately, these aren’t calls that put anyone on the chopping block. Whew, we thought it was a little too early for that. For Kat, Judy and Kelli want a life update. She was a little displaced in her housing situation and it was obviously affecting her performance at camp. Everything is much better now!

Christina is struggling a little bit, turns out, due to a seriously heavy full-time workload in addition to training camp. She admits to Kelli and Judy that although she is giving it 1000%, she is tired and is doing her best to overcome her crazy schedule. She thanks them for the pulse check and like Kat, is safe for now.

Victoria, a Dallas native, takes out-of-towners Kelcie and Kat for facials and treatments to show off her hometown. Don’t you just love Victoria? The sweetest! We love all of those girls.

Then it’s time for another guest choreographer: Tyce Diorio is back! YES, YOU READ THAT CORRECTLY. We’re borderline obsessed with the famous Emmy-winning dancer and choreographer. “That magic is in the control” can be used to summarize everything he does. This choreography is to fabulous for words.

Hannah immediately gets props. You go, girl!

Amanda catches his eye first in the rookie group. The second rookie group was Meredith, Lily and Madeline S. Unfortunately, they were Tyce’s weakest links.

With no cuts so far in the episode, you have to get worried that it might be that time…

Alanna and Lisa head to the dog park with their dogs to decompress and have a little bonding time before rehearsal. We love seeing these girls share their personal time together. It’s like Kelli and Judy have said before, it’s the friendships that really make this experience special.

And unfortunately, our predictions were right: it’s time for office calls.

Madeline S. is first. “You’re not getting noticed by enough people,” Kelli reveals to her. She has the lowest number of picks of anyone else in the training camp. But even with the doubts, Kelli isn’t ready to let go just yet. “The field is gonna be your friend or foe,” she tells Madeline. This is pretty much going to be her last warning. She is safe for now. Whew. Pass the wine, please.

Meredith is next. Is she stylistically what DCC is looking for? They definitely want her on the team for sure, but it’s like Judy said, “We just need you to get there quicker!” For now, Meredith is safe. Then Meredith says something that cuts straight to Kelli’s heart: “You hold my future in your hands.”

And then come the head coach waterworks. Oh, Kelli! “I realize the responsibility of my position,” she tearfully says to the camera. Finglass wants to give opportunities, not take them away. But like she said: part of building a team is building excellence. And eliminations are a part of that.

She definitely deserves a glass of wine for that. We’ll save some for you, lady.

An all-new Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team airs next Friday, Sept. 27 at 9 PM ET/8 CT on CMT.

Samantha is a country radio insider with a deep love for the music and its stars. She can often be found on a red carpet or at a late-night guitar pull.

via:: CMT News