How Ingrid Andress Prepared Me to Meet My Daughter’s Boyfriend

My daughter brought her boyfriend home for the holidays this year, and I was woefully unprepared for this kind of emotional rollercoaster.

Then I listened to “More Hearts Than Mine” — the debut single from Ingrid Andress — a few more times, and I listened a little harder. And she schooled me on exactly how the inevitable introduction would go.

I’d fall in love a little faster.

My husband would check his tires and pour him whiskey over ice.

My other daughter would ask him a million questions.

And her high school friends would buy him drinks and fill him in on all the crazy nights she can’t outlive.

And that is exactly how things turned out, which means that to me, Andress is the most relatable singer-songwriter right now. How could she have known? How can a song predict what may have happened and what may potentially happen? And is she right, that if this boy breaks my daughter’s heart, that he’ll be breaking more hearts than hers?

Art imitates life, people say, but in this case, life is imitating art.

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Andress recently told Billboard that she wrote the song with Sam Ellis and Derrick Southerland around the end of 2018.

“The holidays have a tendency of making you question your relationship with your significant other, because you’re like, ‘Okay, is this at a place where I’d want to introduce them to my family?’ It’s not up-tempo and doesn’t have any beer or trucks in (the lyrics),” Andress said. “It’s hard for me to write for radio. I can do that for other people, but when it comes to me, I just need it to be as truthful as possible.”

In other words, the Colorado native is the kind of girl who will shoot you straight. She defines herself on her Instagram bio with this simple equation: sad piano songs + tequila = your new BFF.

“More Hearts Than Mine” is the lead single from her debut album due out in March. Before hitting the road with Dan + Shay, Andress will be performing with Keith Urban in Las Vegas on January 10-11.

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.


via:: CMT News