Julia Cole Shares Her Story Through Sign Language

Julia Cole shares the meaning her new music video, “Trust You,” in an expected way. In this interview with CMT.com, she explains why sign language is helping her spread good vibes.

CMT: What do you remember most about the shoot for this video?

Cole: Filming this video was such a cool experience for me. Kiley Scott, founder of Sign-A-Song, an organization dedicated to making music accessible to the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, signed the lyrics to the entire song on camera beside me. She arrived on set with multiple friends from the Deaf Community ready to help us make sure the translation was as accurate as possible. They even taught me some sign language to incorporate into the video. The goal is to be as inclusive as possible. The message of “Trust You” is one that can help so many. The #ColeTeam is a community focused on including and spreading good vibes to all different walks of life.

How does the video bring your song to life?

Not only is the video complete with sign language translation of every lyric, it’s also two women who are entrepreneurs coming together to help make a difference for others. I think that visual is as much a message of strength and women’s empowerment as the actual lyric of “Trust You”.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

“Trust You” is a song of empowerment. It’s meant to inspire people to hold themselves to a high relationship standard and know they deserve respect. If someone isn’t adding to their happiness and is lying or betraying them in any way, they are strong enough to let go and move on without that person in their life. We all deserve to spend our time with people who respect us and stay honest.

How did it feel to see the finished product for the first time?

I know that Kiley and I were both shocked to see how in-sync we were dancing and signing. It was just such a special delivery and performance. I think we both got caught up in the magic of it that day. It came together better than I could have ever hoped for. I’m so thankful!

via:: CMT News