Racing Wives Finale Recap: Friendship, Meet Finish Line

The checkered flag was waved on the season finale of Racing Wives — for Amber, that meant a serious speed bump in her career; for Ashley, Sam, Whitney and Mariel, that meant a slick spot on friendship. Check out a complete GIF-recap of Season 1’s last lap below, and tell us what you thought of the show!

  1. Amber Has a Rough Start To Her First Big Race

    Amber improves tremendously on her trial runs — and clocks a time that’s faster than her top fellow competitors — but things quickly come crashing down once it comes time for the qualifiers.

  2. What Goes Up…

    Though Amber makes it into the Hickory race by the skin of her teeth, an issue with her front right tire sends her car careening toward a wall. And just like that, her first race as a sponsored driver is over.

  3. And It Hurts

    Samantha and Kyle Busch comfort Amber — and reaffirm that her blown tire is not her fault — but Amber can’t help but break down, and consider that her one shot at the big dance is over.

  4. Meanwhile, Mariel Finally Confronts Ashley and Sam

    Mariel doesn’t mince her words to Ashley and Sam, and says she blew off Kurt’s birthday because she didn’t think her invite was sincere.

  5. But Ashley’s Not Having It

    Ashley and Sam are furious that Mariel tries to paint them as exclusive when they’ve invited her to countless events.

  6. Finally, Whitney Puts Up The Dukes

    Whitney, who’s so far toed the line between her BFF Mariel and the Busch wives, finally publicly defends Mariel, and says Sam and Ashley have been cold in spite of their supposed openness.

  7. And Then, the Ladies Go Around in Circles About Five Times

    Quickly, it becomes clear: reconciliation is not on the table.

  8. And so, They Throw Up the White Flags

    See ya never, I guess!

  9. Later, Mariel Makes a Huge Announcement

    Though Mariel loves brand modeling, she says the next stage of her career will take a noticeably sharp turn — she and Whit are starting a BFF business.

  10. Sadly, Sam’s Next Steps Are Excruciating

    Sam, who’s been trying to have a baby girl for what’s felt like an eternity, reveals that she had a miscarriage, and that she was thrust into an unshakable depression.

  11. Finally, With the Support of Family, She Celebrates Life

    After a beautiful ceremony honoring their baby girl, Kyle and Sam agree that they can manage their next step as long as they maintain the love of their family.

via:: CMT News