The Best & Worst of the Quarantine, Per Travis Denning

After talking to Travis Denning all about his upcoming EP Beer’s Better Cold, due out May 15, the conversation inevitably turned toward the coronavirus pandemic and the stay-at-home quarantine we’re all under right now.

And Denning explained to me that he looks at the quarantine in two ways: as an optimist and as a pessimist.

So let’s start with the bad news, and what he feels like is the worst thing about the quarantine for him.

“Just the fact that I can’t tour. I mean, it’s not even so much about the fact that I can’t go be on stage. I’m praying for my band and my crew. Because I don’t like this complete speed bump, you know? It’s like, this is just not my life. My life is traveling and it’s singing songs, so the fact that I’m not doing that has really instilled in me that I am a ramblin’ man and a gypsy soul,” Denning told me. “Because I literally hate being in one place for longer than about seven days.”

But there are a handful of silver linings of being at home, knowing that everyone’s in the same boat and nobody’s really shaming anybody for how they’re coping with all of it. So here’s what Denning thinks of as the best thing about the quarantine.

“The best part is that it’s kinda like airport hours now. You know? If I have a beer at 10:00 in the morning, who’s going to yell at me? If I’ve got nothing to do that day but answer a couple emails, I might as well do it. Another thing is — I’m not gonna lie to you — I’ve bumped up the size of the tire around my waist a little bit. And I don’t give two damns, because who’s going to see me right now? I’m not trying to impress. This is a great time to eat the cupcake, or have that third beer,” he said. “It doesn’t matter right now. And the second that we get the thumbs up, then I’ll go for a jog. I promise. Or do some pushups or something. But right now it a time to treat yourself and reflect, because as crazy as it is and as disruptive as it is, we’re never going to have this time again. So I might as well try and enjoy it.”

Stay tuned to for the rest of our conversation about all the moments that led to Denning’s Beer’s Better Cold.

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Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.


via:: CMT News