What Does Being “Ladylike” Mean To Ingrid Andress?

Never has the social and political climate of our society been more in need of a song like Ingrid Andress’ “Lady Like” than this very moment.

So how ironic or perfect, really, that this song, with its raw, powerful and unapologetic message, came to life over the topic of politics on a night out?

“One night, I was flirting with a guy and brought up politics because there is so much happening in the world, thinking he would be impressed,” Andress told CMT.com.

“He actually shut me down immediately and was very uninterested for the rest of the evening. But I’m very glad that happened, because the next day I went into the studio with my friends Derrick and Sam, and we wrote ’Lady Like.’ That specific story is in the song now for obvious reasons.”

Embedded from media.mtvnservices.com.

The second verse, to be exact, packed with enough sharp truth and clever turn of phrase to leave any listener with a proud smirk, exclaiming “Oh yes, she did just say that!”

The video provides the perfect visual to accompany the song’s powerful lyrical imagery. Fun fact: it was meant to be shot in the desert, but snow and 40 mph winds sent production to a studio in Los Angeles instead.

But how perfect did it turn out?

“Lady Like” is on the fast track to becoming an undeniable anthem for women and folks everywhere, and a much-needed reminder that the only path to follow as a woman in the world is the one you’re walking. To be ladylike is simply to be true to one’s self in the face of societal expectations.

“It’s crazy how simple writing a song can be when it comes from a real place,” she said.

For Andress, the message of “Lady Like” is personal, but not only for her but also for her sisters in arms. This one really is for the girls, to feel seen and represented and loved.

“I mean that’s the whole reason I write songs! I am terrible at small talk, so when I get into social situations, it’s hard for me to connect to people on the level that I’d actually like to get to because nobody wants to talk about the real stuff. If people can relate to my songs, then I feel like we’ve just had a meaningful conversation that leaves us both feeling understood.”

“Lady Like” is the first release of an ongoing stream of songs that Andress will be releasing for the rest of the year.

“Each one of my songs tells a personal story, so I want them to be heard and have their own life separate from one another,” she said.

Bring ’em on. The world is ready.

Samantha is a country radio insider with a deep love for the music and its stars. She can often be found on a red carpet or at a late-night guitar pull.

via:: CMT News