What Travis Denning Is Like “After a Few”

I thought I knew Travis Denning after I got to know his David Ashley Parker from Powder Springs. But now? After a few? I feel like I’ve been introduced to another side of him.

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Do not let the title fool you, though. This ain’t no drinking song. “After a Few” means after a few drinks, after a few songs, after a few dances, and after a few goodbye kisses. The ballad is brand new, but already climbing the charts, and Denning is pretty pleased with that.

“‘After a Few’ really shows all the sides that I want everybody to see. I’m a songwriter at heart. I love telling stories,” Denning said. “That’s probably the first thing that I ever fell in love with was loving all kinds of music.”

The new song, he says, is packed with his penchant for the Allman Brothers Band, AC/DC, Motorhead, Halsey, Stevie Wonder and Ariana Grande. “I still wanna tell you a story, I still want to get on a tailgate and pick up my guitar and be able sell you a song, but I love to play guitar,” he said. “I was influenced by all this kind of music, and here’s this melody that’s probably different.

“For me, ‘After a Few’ is probably more indicative of what I want to bring to the table throughout my career, even a little more so than ‘David Ashley Parker (From Powder Springs)’ is.”

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Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.


via:: CMT News