You Can Trust Adairs Run to Be the Good Guys

Some of the very best country songs have some of the very worst endings. But for Todd Cameron and Pat Pollifrone — the men behind brand new country duo Adairs Run — they thought they could flip that script, and tell the story of why a good guy matters so much to someone in a toxic relationship. To find out how a you can get a happy ending after a story of domestic violence, we asked Cameron and Pollifrone about the process of making the new video for “I’m Good for It,” and what they hope it might accomplish. What do you remember most about the day you shot the video?

Adairs Run: It was such a crazy long day with a ton of moving parts with the camera crew and actors, and setting up each scene. We were amazed at how everybody was able to make all of the detailed portions of the script a reality. There were times where even watching the scenes being portrayed — it felt so real, which is exactly what we were going for.

How does the video bring your song to life?

The song was written based on a story of a guy trying to gain back the trust of a girl who’d been through past broken relationships. We felt that the video and song both really encompass that idea, with the story line of a girl experiencing an extremely toxic relationship, and a good guy showing her that she doesn’t deserve that treatment. The lyrics allow the listener to hear from the good guy. And his hope is that she can realize he’s not like those in her past, and is in fact trustworthy.

What message do you hope your fans take away from the video?

We’re not going to lie, we knew this was a tough subject to bring up. But our goal was to shed some light on what many have experienced with domestic violence. It’s unfortunate that anyone should have to go through that kind of relationship. Our hope is that viewers can understand more about domestic violence, and understand the importance of being there for someone who has or is going through a similar situation. It might inspire someone who is going through this to seek help, and realize that there are support groups to assist with getting out of those situations.

Alison makes her living loving country music. She’s based in Chicago, but she’s always leaving her heart in Nashville.


via:: CMT News