Did you miss the show this afternoon? I’ll keep you updated daily on the latest local news and internet silly of the day right here on my new blog.
I’m super excited to announce our first ever BOOOO Bash at the Frost Bar inside the awesome Sebastian hotel from 8pm-midnight. Friday, November 1st come dressed up in your favorite Halloween costume with your chance to WIN $350 in cold hard cash. Plus, a $100 Sebastian gift card, and a ton of other prizes. Grab your tickets NOW which includes 2 drinks for a night you will never forget.
Need a good joke that will annoy a friend or co-worker? Tell them they have to check out this website.
Loving the new Florida Georgia Line disc that came out on Friday – It’s such an awesome treat FGL has gifted fans. I love hearing studio songs acoustically, and this disc does not disappoint.
- Apple Day
- Pumpkin Cheesecake Day
- Reptile Awareness Day
- Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day
WEIRD NEWS: An Illinois man tried to dodge an arrest warrant by giving cops a fake name. But his attempt quickly failed because his real name was tattooed on his neck and it was kind of easy for cops to spot. CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE