Breckenridge invites residents, businesses to cut lights for ‘Earth Hour’

Breckenridge is asking businesses and residents to participate in Earth Hour by turning off all non-essential lights from 8-9 p.m. Saturday.
Hugh Carey /

Breckenridge will be recognizing Earth Hour from 8-9 p.m. on Saturday by asking residents and businesses alike to turn off all non-essential lights.

A town-issued news release cites Breckenridge is committed to protecting the environment by promoting sustainable practices, including renewable energy, water conservation and the reduction of single-use plastic as its reasons for participating in Earth Hour, which also asks people to commit to reducing their carbon footprint and conserve energy.

Seeking to promote smart-energy usage and resource conservation to help reduce the impacts of climate change, the town has programs to help residents and businesses alike conserve energy, reduce their usage and optimize sustainable practices.

Residents and business owners wanting to know more about how to be more sustainable in Breckenridge should go to

via:: Summit Daily