Carolers from St. John’s spread holiday cheer at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center

As part of the church’s musical community outreach program, more than three-dozen carolers from St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church sang Christmas carols last week at Summit St. Anthony Summit Medical Center in Frisco.

To help them spread the Christmas cheer, Isabelle Wong, a former violinist with the National Repertory Orchestra, joined Rev. Charlie Brumbaugh on guitar and Jeanie Kramer, the group’s music director and pianist, to accompany the vocalists.

The group from St. John’s found the hospital’s patients, staff and visitors appreciated the music of the season, including songs like “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,” “O, Holy Night” and “Go Tell It On the Mountain.”

It was the eighth annual Christmas Caroling event put on at the hospital by St. John’s.

via:: Summit Daily