Colorado’s reinsurance program is the biggest thing to happen to health care in the state in years. It might not last.

Colorado officials are expected to announce on Wednesday that the state’s reinsurance program — responsible for what is projected to be a dramatic decline in health insurance prices for some people in 2020 — has received federal approval and, thus, will go into effect.

This is not a small deal.

“It’s the biggest tangible step we’ve seen in reducing costs in the private market,” said Joe Hanel, a spokesman for the nonpartisan Colorado Health Institute.

But it is also not exactly a final deal.

That’s because the Trump Administration — the same one that is expected to sign off on the program — is also backing a lawsuit to strike down the entire Affordable Care Act, the health law that makes a lot of the funding for the reinsurance program possible. Confusing? Yes.

Read more via The Colorado Sun.

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