Frisco Elementary students to give back to community on Valentine’s Day

Students at Frisco Elementary School will be showering the town with love this Valentine’s Day, Wednesday, Feb 14. In lieu of traditional class parties, Frisco Elementary principal Laura Rupert said that the students want to use the day to spread joy and love to their neighbors with several events in Frisco throughout the day. Kindergarteners will wave signs of love at the corner of Main Street and Summit Boulevard earlier in the day. Second graders will be bringing homemade treats to animals at the Summit Animal Shelter with teacher Heidi Sodetz at 2 p.m. Third and Fourth graders will be handing out coffee and pins from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at Zach’s Stop Trailhead, Miner’s Creek Trailhead, at the corner of Main Street and 2nd Avenue in front of the Frisco Historic Park and at Walter Byron Park. At 5 p.m., students will bring handmade Valentine’s Day cards to seniors and St. Anthony Summit hospital.

via:: Summit Daily