Letter to the editor: Gun storage a step in the right direction

The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force of Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church would like to thank the Dillon Police Department for choosing to offer the new voluntary gun storage program for individuals in mental health crisis. We hope that all police departments of towns across the state and country choose to follow suit for the safety of all concerned. It is very obvious that there is a serious problem in this country concerning guns. Mental health is only a part of that; however, many deaths would be prevented if there were more places to surrender and store guns away from an individual when there is a crisis, either offered by the individual themselves or the concerned family members.

Dillon Police Department is creating a solution for those people in crisis. It could save lives of students in our schools. It could lower our rates of suicide.  It could save the lives of family members and innocent bystanders. It can only help at this point.

We are proud that one of our police departments has offered to do something to make things better, and we appreciate the step in the right direction.

via:: Summit Daily