Letter to the editor: Trump should be imprisoned for crimes against humanity

OK, Trump is not a racist. Thanks for your letter to the editor, Luise Bruno (“Setting the record straight on Trump,” published Aug. 20 in the Summit Daily News.)  However, he is still a vile and disgusting human being who should be impeached ASAP and imprisoned for crimes against humanity.

Trump’s Wall Street enablers have received fat financial favors, and the extractive industries have seen environmental regulations rolled-back while a red carpet is rolled out to them giving access to formerly protected federal lands. What has “the chosen one” offered you for your soul, Ms. Bruno? Do your words “influx of people across our southern border” hint at some underlying anxiety? How can any reasonable person with a conscience defend Trump, the man or his horrific immigration policies?

“Crimes against humanity” are the exact words that Ben Ferencz, the last surviving Nuremberg prosecutor, used to describe the family separations and large-scale detention of immigrant children — soon to become a long-term (indefinite) detention because Trump plans to eliminate the 20-day limit established by the 1997 Flores settlement agreement. “This is more than cruel. It’s beyond logic and humanity,” Amnesty International said. Furthermore, Customs and Border Protection said it will not vaccinate migrant families before the flu season despite a recent letter by doctors urging lawmakers to investigate health conditions at the border jails where at least three children have died from the flu.

Conditions inside the migrant jails “amount to torture” according to a class action lawsuit filed by plaintiffs that include the Southern Poverty Law Center. I commend Sen. Jeff Merkley (D, Oregon) for becoming an advocate for the jailed and voiceless migrants. He has written a book, “America Is Better Than This.” The title to which I scoff, “obviously not!”

via:: Summit Daily