Letter to the editor: Wolves will cause devastation

In response to the wolf reintroduction initiative, Brian Duchinsky has left out some very important facts. (“Sierra Club conservation chairman updates community on gray wolf reintroduction initiative,” published Sept. 9 in the Summit Daily News.) Fact is if the wolves are introduced, you can say bye to the many moose that reside in this county, also the deer and elk that we all love to see. They will track these animals down and brutally kill them. They are savages. The moose do not have a fighting chance in the deep snow.

He says that the wolves will not be in this county, but fact is they travel wherever their next meal is. There will be packs of wolves in our county soon. Friends of mine live in British Columbia and in Idaho, and they have seen the devastation that the wolves have caused. There are few animals left.

So if all you people like to view the moose, elk and deer, you best be voting no and do not sign this petition. Leave this up to the biologists who have studied this and the game and parks department, which knows the facts.

via:: Summit Daily