Letters: No surprise that Breck’s lift broke

No surprise that Breck’s lift broke

With regard to the recent dramatic breakdown of the Quicksilver lift, and as a Breckenridge property owner and season ski pass holder of multiple decades, it’s been apparent to me for a long while, years really, that both the Quicksilver and the Mercury lifts are living on borrowed time. It is typical rather than unusual to have to sit on one of these stopped lifts, particularly in the early afternoon for some reason, while waiting for one of the black-suited lift maintenance workers to show up from wherever they hang out to tease the lift back into operation. Why these lifts continue to be neglected by Vail Resorts, even as they dump millions into upgrades elsewhere, is a mystery to me. I feel rather taken for granted as may many other Breck regulars.

DeWitt Harrison


Idle cars are climate change’s playground

Visitors, Front Rangers and Summit County locals have an idling problem.

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For all the concern about environmental impacts of greenhouse gases we talk about in Colorado, it seems there is no concern with sitting in a car with the motor running for how ever long it takes your friend to run into the store, waiting 45 minutes for the lifts to open at A-Basin or warming up the car in the morning before heading to work or play.

Maybe people want to give this some thought as we see our snowpack dwindle. If you’re sitting in your car idling, you’re contributing to the problem.

Salim Ani


via:: Summit Daily