Letters to the editor: Stop trying to control the sexual activity of others

It is always with great interest when I find an occasional letter to the editor worth a response. This is one of them.

The letter titled “We have a chance to return to the rule of law after Roe v. Wade” (published Sept. 30 in the Summit Daily News) is predictably inaccurate and misleading. Let’s expose the hypocrisy, shall we?

“Serving the innocent of all ages.” Until they are born? Then what? 

The same people who want to protect a glob of cells are the same people who do not support extensive and medically accurate sex education information to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The same peoples who do not support health care for those who can’t afford it. Prenatal care, labor and delivery, wellness checks, etc., are not cheap.

The same people who believe you can’t get pregnant from rape. Aspirin anyone?

The same people who don’t care that women will most certainly die from illegal abortions just as they did before Roe v. Wade made it legal and safe.

You don’t want to end abortion. You want to control the sexual activity of others. Why not just admit it? Fly your patriarchal flag high.

via:: Summit Daily