Littwin: If Mueller can’t beat Trump — according to AG Barr, anyway — what about the Dems?

Let’s begin by agreeing that the Barr summary of the Mueller report is devastating for Democrats, anti-Trumpists and, I’d argue, for all Americans.

That said, we can now get on with our lives, which, sadly, are still wrapped very tightly in the disaster that is the Trump presidency. In other words, much has changed and nothing has changed. We just keep trudging on.

I don’t know if Donald Trump has read the Mueller report — guessing it might be too long for the short-fingered, short-attention-span president — but I think we can assume he knows basically what’s in it and that it might not be as bright and cheery as the spin Attorney General William Barr put on it.

Here’s my evidence:

One, instead of just reveling in the Barr summary of the report, Trump spent the day after its release angrily calling critics who pursued the Russia investigation “treasonous” and saying they should be investigated. It’s nuts, of course, but it’s the next step in the propaganda tour against whatever bad news for Trump is actually in the report, which is expected to be released in some form.

Read the full column at the Colorado Independent.

via:: Summit Daily