People have had little trouble finding the Mountain Lyon Café after the popular Silverthorne restaurant packed up and moved down the block last week.
Previously at 381 Blue River Parkway, the café that’s been a staple of the town’s breakfast and lunch services for over two decades now has moved to 122 10th St. at the corner of 10th street and the parkway.
“Love the new space,” commented one longtime customer, who added the café still has the same great food that it always has.
Fundamentally, little has changed with the Mountain Lyon Café in the move. The menu was unaffected, and the café still serves all the same dishes it did before relocating. The hours of operation also remain the same, and the café’s longtime owner, Rob Lyon, is still running his catering business and has the Mountain Lyon On The Run truck parked outside.
The biggest difference might be the physical address, some additional parking spaces and more space to work with, as the Mountain Lyon Café went from about 3,000 square feet in its old building to roughly 4,600 square feet in the new one. That allows the business to seat about 30 more people at any given time, Lyon said.
Plus, there’s a new waiting room, too.
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Oftentimes, people would have to stand outside as they waited for a table to open up at the old location because there was no waiting area and the café was often so packed there was simply no place to sit and wait inside.
“It makes a big difference,” Lyon said of having a warm place for customers to hangout until a table comes open.
Aside from the usual moving pains, Lyon said everything went smoothly in the transition, and the café was only down for a couple of days as they carried kitchen equipment and other items over from the old building over to the new one.
Ever better, Lyon said, is how busy they’ve been since reopening, which they did on Dec. 19.
Lyon wasn’t sure how well the move would be received.
He did some advertising, and put up a big sign outside the new business. This newspaper covered his plans to move, and by word of mouth, everyone seems to find the Mountain Lyon Café in its new spot without any trouble. As a result, the popular eatery has been as busy as ever.
“The locals, they all came back and they’re loving it,” Lyon said, adding that he feels like he owes them all “a big thanks” for supporting the café over the years and coming back after the move.
Lyon bought the café in November 1993 with two partners when it was called, “Landry’s Restaurant.” They soon renamed it the Buffalo Mountain Café, and only a year or two later, Lyon bought out his partners and again changed the restaurant’s name, this time to the Mountain Lyon Café. Lyon and his wife, Kayelee, have been running the cafe ever since.
Downtown development in Silverthorne led Lyon to pursue the move. The town has been planning a multimillion-dollar, mixed-use development between Third and Fourth streets west of Blue River Parkway for the Fourth Street Crossing.
Plans call to redo almost everything on the block. However, developers had sought to keep the café between Third and Fourth streets, but seeing an opportunity with the closure of the Nepal Restaurant, which previously occupied the café’s new building, Lyon felt like it was best for his café.
“Things are going pretty good, and this place is awesome,” Lyon said. “It’s a lot bigger and it’s just sweet.”