New test results show drinking water at Frisco schools is safe

As the town of Frisco works to address high lead levels in the water of some of their testing sites, the new test results from the town’s schools show nothing of concern for parents, teachers and students.

Following the discovery of high lead levels in the water of six of 40 homes tested in the second half of 2018, Frisco offered to test the drinking water at Summit Middle School, Frisco Elementary, The Peak School, Summit County Preschool and two registered in-home daycare facilities. All but one in-home daycare provided samples, and none of the facilities tested returned high lead levels.

Summit Middle School and Summit County Preschool returned lead levels at below detectable limits. Frisco Elementary School (three parts per billion), The Peak School (five parts per billion) and Judith Dombrowski’s in-home daycare (one part per billion) all returned levels well within the acceptable limit of 15 parts per billion.

via:: Summit Daily