Opinion | Liddick: Comey testimony shows lack of respect for rule of law

By Morgan Liddick On Friday last the walking, talking ego that is James Comey appeared again before a joint session of the House Intelligence and Judiciary Committees. Although the Ranking Democrat Adam Schiff opined afterward that President Trump was endangered by the testimony, that seemed more the product of wishful thinking than anything partaking of reality. On our planet, the former FBI director actually made the extent of the corruption and lawlessness among senior officials of the Obama Justice Department and FBI much clearer. And he apparently did it without realizing what he had done.
His demonstrated both his stubbornness and what several high-ranking FBI officials referred to as his “not being the sharpest tool in the shed” when he insisted that “the FBI and Justice Department didn’t have a prosecutable case against Clinton because they couldn’t prove she willfully violated the law by setting up (her) server.” Perhaps Mr. Comey hopes to lend the color of truth to this statement through continued repetition; in fact neither the Espionage Act nor the several other acts and National Security Directives dealing with handling classified information mention anything about volition. They are directed at action, not intent, so Mr. Comey seems beyond the reach of reason …read more

Via:: Summit Daily