Opinion | Town of Frisco: We’re providing community support and planning for recovery

The COVID-19 virus has delivered an unprecedented challenge to our world, nation, state, county and the town of Frisco. Since the first presumptive positive case in Colorado was identified in Summit County on March 5, we have moved from learning about the novel coronavirus and its potential spread to taking extraordinary and aggressive actions to slow its spread. We have in effect paused our economy in order to protect our most vulnerable residents and guests, prevent overwhelming our health system and save lives.

These decisions were not entered into lightly by Summit County Public Health, which has the gut-wrenching responsibility to make these decisions about public health for our whole county, while knowing the very real impact on business owners and their employees. Public health officials have stayed laser focused on saving lives and, to that end, continue to base their decisions on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. We thank our public health staff, first responders and medical professionals for their continued professionalism and selfless service.

The town of Frisco is committed to this community in every way, including having a profound positive impact on slowing the spread of COVID-19 to protect our residents’ health and being an active partner in the upcoming economic recovery. As we write this, the federal government and state of Colorado are rolling out plans for support and recovery, and the town of Frisco is committed to finding a way to fill the gaps in these plans. The town of Frisco also has provided the Family & Intercultural Resource Center with $10,000 in emergency funding for its efforts to help families and individuals.

Providing essential services, police, snow removal and water are vital to keeping the town running, and the town has seven months of funding in reserve to cover operational expenses. Right now, staff also is continuing to work on ongoing projects, which will lay the foundation for quickly restarting normal business and supporting recovery. The town will restrategize our destination marketing plan and make sure that the things that bring people to our town are as extraordinary as ever. This includes everything from beautiful flowers on Main Street to a vibrant marina and well-maintained trails.

Right now, we are all focusing on our wellbeing and health, and we urge you to take good care of yourselves, including your mental health. Please reach out to a trusted friend or family member, or resources like Building Hope Summit County. Being outside certainly has the power to heal our minds and sustain us, and we want you to get out there. We will resume grooming the Frisco Nordic Center trails, so folks can get outside to ski free of charge. This is a small but powerful way to bring some normalcy back into our lives.

We will get through this as a community, and a time will come when we will celebrate our efforts to save lives and the recovery that we made happen together. Frisco Town Council and our whole staff will work toward that goal every day. The town of Frisco asks and encourages you to join us in staying healthy, staying vigilant and focusing on our hope for brighter days that are sure to come.

via:: Summit Daily