Red Gerard, Kyle Mack, friends snowboard Gerard’s backyard park in new video

If you ever wanted a glimpse into the creative, fun riding that goes on at Red Gerard’s backyard snowboard park, here’s your chance.

On Tuesday, the Summit County gold-medal winning snowboarder released a recent video edit of him and his “Mayhem” crew of friends snowboarding on jib features on-mountain, in snow-covered skateparks and within the Gerard’s backyard snowboard park north of Silverthorne.

The video features the 18-year-old and the Olympic big air silver medalist and Michigan-native Kyle Mack, as well as their pro snowboarding friends Brandon Davis, Judd Henkes, Nik Baden, Chase Josey and Cody Cooper, among others.

The group rides down the park features at Copper Mountain Resort before the video transitions into footage at the Gerard family’s backyard park. With Buffalo Mountain and the rest of the Gore Range in view in the background, Red and company hit several different homemade rail and jib features before using the family’s homemade rope-tow to bring them back up to the top of the mini-park.

The short was filmed and edited by Drew Hastings while Gerard’s older brother Malachi shot additional footage.

via:: Summit Daily